
     Within this round, we are up on the next level which is Math 5 B. In the first lesson, we were learning about decimals and that is what the students have been learning last year too. This lesson is to remind us the what are the importance of decimal. Decimal stands after a decimal point to the right of the whole number. The number that stands next to the right of the decimal point is in tenth place and then hundredth and then thousandth. We’ve also known the way to convert fraction to decimal and decimal to fraction ( picture below).

The Cycle of the Life Element


Let’s takes a little time to look at your clothes and think what’s creating it. If you think carbon is the things that create your clothes, you are on the right track. Carbon is an element that stayed in group 14 and period 2. It is the element of life, that all matters are made of carbon. Also, it is everywhere on earth. That’s the reason why in Stem class round 3 we are learning about the carbon cycle. The carbon cycle is the process in which carbon dioxide rise up to the atmosphere by respiration and returning carbon dioxide into living tissues. Carbon cycle has 4 processes which are photosynthesis, decomposition, combustion, and respiration.

Photosynthesis is when the living organism incorporates trees absorb the carbon dioxide and create them into food for themselves.

Respiration is when the living organisms including human and animals inhale the oxygen and exhale as carbon dioxide that goes to the atmosphere.

Combustion is coming from human activity every day that burn fossil fuel and creating the gas into the atmosphere. The gas is carbon dioxide.

Decomposition is when the decomposer breaks down the dead organism and returning the carbon dioxide into the atmosphere from the body by respiration.

Carbon cycle needs to have these 4 processes. If one of those part extinct there will be too much carbon in the atmosphere that will cause global warming.



វគ្គទី ៤ នៃការសិក្សាភាសាខ្មែរ ពួកយើងបានរៀនអំពីវេយ្យាករណ៍ខ្មែរ។ លោកគ្រូសុខា បានចែកពួកយើងជាក្រុមៗ ដើម្បីសិក្សាស្រាវជ្រាវអំពីវេយ្យាករណ៍នីមួយៗ។

១ កិរិយាស័ព្ទ

២ នាម

៣ គុណនាម

៤ ល្បះទោល និងល្បះផ្សំ

៥ ល្បះកម្ម និងល្បះកត្តុ

៦ ធ្នាក់

៧ ឈ្នាប់

៨ ឧទានស័ព្ទ

៩ សព្វនាម

បន្ទាប់ពីធ្វើការសិក្សាស្រាវជ្រាវអំពីប្រធានបទដែលលោកគ្រូបានដាក់ឲ្យហើយ ពួកយើង បានឡើងធ្វើបទបង្ហាញទៅដល់លោកគ្រូ និងមិត្តភក្តិ។ នេះក៏ដូចជាការបង្រៀនមិត្តភក្តិដែរ ដូច្នេះហើយពួកយើងបានបង្រៀនគ្នាទៅវិញទៅមក។

ក្រុមខ្ញុំ ត្រូវបានវេយ្យាករណ៍មួយដែលលោកគ្រូបានដាក់ឲ្យសិក្សានិងស្រាវជ្រាវ។ គុណនាម គឺជាប្រធានបទរបស់ក្រុមរបស់ខ្ញុំ។


គុណនាមមាន ដើមកំណើតពី នាមផង គុណនាមផង និងកិរិយាស័ព្ទផង។


ភូមិខ្ញុំជាភូមិចាស់ពីបុរាណ តែមេភូមិខ្ញុំមានគំនិតជឿនលឿន ។ ប្រជាជនភូមិខ្ញុំ សុទ្ធតែជាមនុស្សពូកែ



គុណនាមបានបែងចែកជាពីរក្រុម គឺគុណនាមប្រក្រតី និងគុណនាមកំណត់។

គុណនាមប្រក្រតីមានតែមួយប្រភេទទេ ចំណែកឯគុណនាមកំណត់មានប្រាំប្រភេទ គឺគុណនាមចង្អុល

គុណនាមចំនួន គុណនាមសំណួរ គុណនាមមិនច្បាស់ គុណនាមកម្មសិទ្ធិ។


កម្រិតមិនស្មើ កម្រិតមិនស្មើ កម្រិតផ្ដាច់


នាងមានកាតាបស្អាតជាងកាតាបបងស្រីខ្ញុំ។ នាង មានកាតាបស្អាត ដាច់គេ





ខ្ពស់ ទាប កាច ស្លូត ប្រៃ សាប ស្រួច ទាល ឧស្សាហ៍ ខ្ជិល ស្អាត កខ្វក់ ។ល។


ឃ្មុំនេះ មានរូបរាងស្អាត តែវាមានចរិតខ្ជិល



គុណនាមកំណត់ ប្រើសម្រាប់កំណត់បង្ហាញ សភាព ចម្ងាយ…….របស់នាម។


គុណនាមមិនច្បាស់ ប្រើសម្រាប់បង្ហាញមនុស្ស វត្ថុ សត្វ ដោយមិនបញ្ជាក់ច្បាស់លាស់។

គុណនាមមិនច្បាស់ មាន៖

ណា ណាមួយ ណាម្នាក់ ទាំងពួង ទាំងឡាយ ទាំងអស់។ល។






គុណនាមចង្អុលជាពាក្យសម្រាប់បង្ហាញមនុស្ស សត្វ វត្ថុ រុក្ខជាតិ នៅនឹងមុខ ឬនៅឆ្ងាយ ឬបង្ហាញអ្វីដែលគេទើបនឹងប្រាប់ ឬដែលគេបម្រុងនឹងប្រាប់ ។


នេះ នោះ ទាំងនេះ ទាំងនោះ នុះ ។

បញ្ជាក់: នៅខាងស្ដាំរបស់នាម


ផ្ទះនេះ ជាផ្ទះរបស់ខ្ញុំ។


គុណនាមសំណួរ ប្រើសម្រាប់សួរពីសភាព លក្ខណៈ ឬក៏ចំនូន។

គុណនាមសំណួរ មាន៖

ណា ណាមួយ ណាខ្លះ អ្វី អ្វីមួយ អ្វីខ្លះ ប៉ុន្មាន ដូចម្ដេច




តើអ្នក កំពុងលេងល្បែងអ្វី?


គុណនាមកម្មសិទ្ទ ជាពាក្យបង្ហាញម្ចាស់នៃវត្ថុ មនុស្ស ឬសត្វ។


ខ្ញុំ វា គាត់ ឯង នាង យើង






គុណនាមចំនួន គឺជាពាក្យដែលប្រើសម្រាប់បញ្ជាក់ចំនួនឬលំដាប់។

គុណនាមនេះមាន :

  • គុណនាមចំនួនសម្រាប់រាប់  (ឧ. កៅអីមួយ កៅអីពីរ កៅអីបី)
  • គុណនាមសម្រាប់សម្គាល់លំដាប់ (ឧ. កៅអីទីមួយ កៅអីទីពីរ កៅអីទីបី)


មីងមី មី អង្គុយកៅអីជួរទី៣នៅក្នុងថ្នាក់ខ្មែរ។



The Computer Language

I have wonder every time that “Can computer communicate with the human?” Surely, I have the answer to my question now.

In this round, our focal point is Python. Python is one of the languages that we use to talk to the computer.  We can code by using Python to do what we want but we need to use the syntax correct otherwise the code will error. Here are some conditions that we have learned:

Boolean: the data type that can have the value of true or false

Example: 4 == 6 ( False )

      “Hello” is “Hello” ( True )

Comparison: the sign use to compare between numbers

Equal : 7  == 7

Not Equal: 7  != 8

Less than: 5 < 6

Less than or equal to: 5 <= 6

Greater than: 7 > 6

Greater than or equal to: 7 >= 6

If Statement: the condition, if this condition is true then do the print

a = 5

b = 6

if b > a:

     print ( “My name is cute” )

Note: After If Statement, Print need indentation. If there is no indentation it will cause you error immedietly.

Elif: the conditions that use to do more things than if and constantly need to stay after if

a = 7

b = 7

if a < b:

     print (“Smile”)

elif a == b:

     Print (“Laugh”)

Else: the condition that if all the codes wrong, print the else condition and stay after if and elif

a = 9

B = 20

if a == b

     print (“Stop“)

elif a > b:

     print (“Hmm)


     print (“I like it”)

“Python Loops”

Loop: the instruction that repeats over time until the condition reach


For Loop: allow code to perform actions repeatedly.  

my name = [“Cute”, “Lovely”, “Orange” ]

for x in my name

      print x

Break Statement: break the rest of the loop  

my name = [“Cute”, “Lovely”, “Orange”]

for x in my name

     print x

if x == “Orange”:


Continue Statement: stop one repetition of the loop and continue to the next one until the condition ends.

Range Function: the range that can count numbers inside it.

While Loop: allow performing the action until the condition is false.

Where I’m From

“I Am From” Poem Template

Adapted by Levi Romero

Inspired by “Where I’m From” by George Ella Lyon


I am from thread from hammock and frame

I am from the bright open space and warming area

that I could look for

I am from the red pentas lanceolata

within no smell but reveal the beauty

The alive mango trees whose long gone limbs I remember as if they were my own.


I’m from pleasant and gracious

From grandmother and mom

I’m from joking and smile

and from receiving sweetheart

I’m from drinking water and not selfish

And eyes song


I’m from Khmer New Year

I’m from Kandal province and Cambodia

From Pork and Prohok

Which is quite tasty that I still love

From never complain and stand out for exhausted is mom

I’m from looking for a good attitude of me so she teaches is my grandmother

And the picture of my lost grandparents

on my head in my hometown  

That I recall for periods

will embrace in the cognition perpetually,


By Cheatra

Date 16/01/2019


My Name ( Cheatra Chheang )

#Cambodian #flag | #Cambodia
From Pinterst


     My life is really meaningful because of the letter inside me that I carry every time with me and stays with me forever. “Cheatra” is the name that has given from my lovely mom.

     My name means nation and signature. After realizing that she has a male baby that stay in her for 2 months, she had a discussion with my dad. First they were willing put my name “Sopanha” because I was born in “Sophop Panha” hospital. However, then she knew that there’s a lot of kids name “Sopanha” and she wants my name to be diverse from all other kids. The second for my name is “Pheaktra”. After, she also knew that there’s a lot of kids having “Pheaktra” as a name. In the end, she has come up with an incredible idea and she has changed from “Pheaktra” to “Cheatra”. My dad has agreed with my mom to put my name “Cheatra”. She wants my name to be unique and it’s worked. “Cheat” define as nation and “Tra” is signature from the very educated people. “Chheang” is my surname. My dad has said to my mom that he doesn’t want his name to be my surname instead he wants his father’s name which is “Chheang” to be my surname. One thing really funny about me is that, if Cambodian hear my name they can define my name immedietly.  

From mylivesignature

     I can hear people saying my name. My name gives me love, respect, and inspiration. Every time saying my name I feel my name is always with me and I can feel the warmth inside me. I can get the feeling happy or sad from me. Courage and strength that my name always gives me to continue a long journey with.

     At last, this name is really suitable for me and no matter what I wouldn’t change it. Therefore, “Chheang Cheatra” is only my name and it defines me as a person.

Mathematics Round 2


Talking about Geometry, in Math class this round we have learned geometry. There are two things we learned which are area and perimeter. We have done a lot of exercise in workbook especially about area and perimeter. Area is the measurement inside the shape and perimeter is the measurement outside of the shape. Different kind of shapes have different formulas (formulas are below). At last, I am joyful with the lesson.


Ratio is the comparison between two things or more than that also possible. Ratio can use with fraction and whole number.  For instance you want to compare 4 oranges to 5 apples. It will be 4:5. In ratio we use the word “to” for comparing two things. As we can see the instance above said they compare 4 oranges to 5 apples so we use this “:” instead of to. Just to add on, if the numbers are big we can simplify it. For another example is, compare 10 books to 5 pencils. That is 10:5. In this case we can simplify it to 2:1 because we take 10 divided by 5 and 5 divided by 5. Despite we simplify it, still it has the same value.

After learning about ratio, I realize that we can use ratio to make life much better. Whenever we want to compare two or three things or more than that, quick thing is ratio is our choice.


Surface area

This is also a part of the lesson we learn. Surface area is the sum of all areas of all faces. For demonstrate regular prism has 6 faces. To find surface area we will find area of each 6 shapes and plus together. Sometimes we need a little long time to figure out the surface area because we need to know the area of all 6 faces but we only need to find 3 faces area because 3 more faces will have equal area. Then we can take the 3 faces area times two and we will find surface area.

English Literacy Round 2

Getting to Know Philosophy Chair 

The theme is Environmental social justice. Hannah, our teacher has given all of us one topic that concern to the them, “Shools should stop practice of giving letter grades to students. Instead, they should only give written feedback.” How about you will you agree to this topic. For me, I am positive to this topic because I have a few reasons. Before doing philosophy chair, Hannah gave us times to think about this and have some reasons. I have come up of a few reasons. My reasons are:

  • Grades only letter or number but feedback is a long description that tell you a lot
  • Feedbacks can tell students what subjects they need to work on and what subjects they are good at
  • If students get good grade they will happy but they don’t know why they are admitted to get that grades
  • Feedbacks are easy for parents to know how their parents perform in school

It is my first time to do philosophy chair and first I was a bit nervous but it’s okay. I am interested in the philosophy chair because we can discuss the problems that we are meeting every day. We do this to find out the best solution to solve in our environment. At last but not least, we were having so fun in this round 2.

Stem Round 2


Chemical Bonding

Covalent bond is the bonding between nonmetal and nonmetal that share the valence electrons in order to be complete or stable. When the elements are stable, they won’t share electrons again because they already completed. To add on if they are completed they will have eight valence electrons and inner electrons are two. For instance, there are two elements, chlorine and chlorine. They are nonmetal groups. They each have 2 electrons inner shelf and have 7 electrons outer shelf. That’s mean they need 1 more to complete. Two of them can share one of their electrons together so each of them will have eight because they each share one electrons. Now they are complete so they won’t react with other elements. To summary the instance covalent bond can share more than one electrons in order to become stable.

Ionic bond is the bonding between nonmetal and metal. In this type of bond they don’t share means that they gain or lose valence electrons. Usually metallic gives out valence electrons to nonmetallic to become positively charge and nonmetallic that gets the electrons from metallic is negatively charge.( Example is below)


Khmer Literacy Round 2

Kolap Pailin 

Kolap Pailin means Rose at Pailin province. Rose is refer to a beautiful lady in Pailin province. Chao chet, Khun Neary, Luong Ratanak Sambath and Balat Srok Songke are the four main characters in the story. After Ta Cherm who is Chao chet’s father passed away but returned to before the minutes before he has given a really awesome advice for Chao Chet. “You need to help yourself” said Ta Cherm and the god has taken over his life to the heaven. Now on he doesn’t have any relatives but the doctor that has cured his father’s disease name Krou Pet Sart told him that Chao Chet can go and work with Luong Ratanak Sambath in Pailin.

Chao Chet always remembers his father advice. He has brought the good and kind behavior to Luong Ratanak Sambath. After a while, he realizes that he has fallen in love with Khun Neary who is Luong Ratanak Sambath’s daughter. She also loves Chao Chet but they both never confess the love. Balat is Luong Ratanak Sambath’s friend and used to work in business together. Balat doesn’t like Chao Chet and look down at other people. He thinks that he is rich so he can do anything. Balat wants Khun Neary but Chao Chet has saved Khun Neary life. At the end, they both married and live with happiness together.

Kolap Pailin is the most famous book that Nhok Them has written. This book wants to show the readers that we should think about Ta Cherm’s advice that he has given to Chao Chet. Living with your good behavior makes your life great so we should be a good person.